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Mailto Link Generator

Know About Mailto Links and How to Create Them

Let’s explore the world of mailto links and how you can easily create them for your website, making it simple for users to send emails directly with a click.

What Is a Mailto Link?

A mailto link is a special type of hyperlink used in web development that automatically opens an email client (like Gmail or Outlook) to send an email to a specified address. This allows visitors to click a link and start composing an email without manually entering the recipient’s email address.

Understanding Mailto Links

Starting with mailto:

Every mailto link begins with mailto: followed by the recipient’s email address. Here’s the simplest example:


Including Multiple Recipients

While it’s possible to add more than one recipient, it may not always work consistently across different email clients. If you include multiple addresses, separate them using either commas or semicolons.

  • With commas:
  • With semicolons:

Leaving the Recipient Empty

It’s usually not recommended to leave the recipient field empty, but if you want to create a link that doesn’t specify a recipient, here’s how:


Separating Parameters with Special Characters

Parameters like subject, body, cc, and bcc are separated by special characters:

  • Question mark (?) for the first parameter.
  • Ampersand (&) for any additional parameters.

For example:


Creating Advanced Mailto Links

Mailto Link with a Subject

To create a mailto link with a subject, simply append ?subject= followed by the desired subject text (encoded properly for special characters):


Mailto Link with Subject and Body

You can also add a body text to your mailto link:


Mailto Link with CC, BCC, Subject, and Body

A comprehensive mailto link can include multiple fields like To, CC, BCC, Subject, and Body:


Special Characters and Encoding

When creating mailto links, certain characters like spaces, question marks, and others need to be encoded in UTF-8 format. For example:

  • Space: %20
  • Exclamation mark: %21
  • Colon: %3A
  • Question mark: %3F

This encoding ensures that your mailto links function correctly and that special characters display properly in email clients.

Generating Mailto Links in HTML

Once you’ve created the perfect mailto link, you’ll want to turn it into a clickable HTML anchor tag. Here’s an example of how to embed it:

<a href="mailto:someone@example.com?subject=Hello&body=How%20are%20you%20doing%3F">Click here to send an email</a>

This creates a clickable link that, when clicked, will open the user’s email client with the specified recipient, subject, and body pre-filled.

Need More Information About the Mailto Link Generator?

If you’re looking to dive deeper into the technical aspects of mailto links, the RFC 6068 document from the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) outlines the complete technical specifications for mailto links and their format.


Now that you have a better understanding of how mailto links work, you’re ready to generate them for your website or email campaigns. These links make it easy for your users to contact you with just a click, improving user experience and engagement. Enjoy exploring the versatility of mailto links, and remember—using a mailto link generator can save you time and effort in encoding all those special characters!

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